Microchip PIC-related:
makers of PIC: Free assembler, PIC-simulator and application-notes
Mike Predko's site with lots of ideas and circuits incl.2/3 wire LCD interface
Large range of affordable PICmicro and Atmel hardware & Software. Also many links!
lots of applications, software as well as sales of electronics
great PICproto prototyping boards....
they host a database with lots of high-tech PIC-based projects
the simplest low cost programmer-hardware and software we could find, supporting the highest number of Microchip devices, while not requiring external power. (Check out the PIC-Programmer 2!)

PalmOS resources:
makers of PocketC; a great/rich C-compiler with IDE running on your Palm-device!
good articles on PocketC and graphics/game programming
Pose emulator to test your PalmOS applications on the PC before downloading them. (You will need to extract a ROM-image from your Palm-device or register to download one of the online images).
GCC tool that translates prc-files generated by XPad PalmOS-target to PalmOS-binaries. XPad requires at least version 2.5.

68HC11 related:
makers of the amazing Microstamp11 68HC11 stamp-sized MCU-board as well as other HC11 and HC12 boards; also lots of acessories, resources and links!
great asm11 freeware assembler, for which XPad HC11 target generates assembly code!
nice IDE, with 68HC11 simulator included. (Supports only models with registers located at address $1000).
lots of free GNU resources: compilers, assemblers, simulators etc.
free 68HC11 software resources; simulator; assembler; linker, etc.

MCS51 (8051, 8031) related:
Site hosting excellent freeware assembler as31.exe, which can assemble XPad-generated assembly code into binary downloadable code-objects.
A site containing a very good tutorial on the 8051 architecture as well as downloadable code-samples!
Elaborate self-study guide about the 8051. Also links and sample code.
We linked to Mike Predko's site from the PICmicro link-section above, but he also did lots of work with 8051 MCUs. More ideas, snippets and an RTOS.
A site hosting many examples for 8051 MCUs and especially on how to use pheripherals on the the Philips 8051-compatible MCUs.

Java resources:
Java Products & APIs (SUN);
Jini in a nutshell (distributed devices/services);
aJile: “Embedded Low Power Java Microprocessors”
EWE is based on Waba. Waba supports a lean and mean subset of Java, targeting smaller platforms. Ewe has Virtual Machines for many 32bit platforms, including Windows, PocketPC, etc. EWE VMs are smaller and faster than JVMs.

GenerExe IT Netherlands site.
"The mission of this Web site is to propagate the understanding of statecharts and active object-based computing model as powerful ways of software design rather than the use of a particular tool".
tutorial, source-code about how to interface HD44780 based LCD-displays
another extensive tutorial on HD44780 based LCD interfacing
Manufacturors of the Galep-4 universal, mobile and low-cost pocket-programmer for microcontroller, memory and GAL-devices!
Site containing good educational and browsable articles on several microcontroller platforms. Includes detailled descriptions of instruction-sets!
1Wire iButton devices, datasheets and resources.
Great source of software, source-code, examples, tools and articles. A must-see before reinventing the wheel again!
eg3.com is an open resource, linking to all known free and non-commercial resources, publications, repositories of software, and companies in the markets of board-level, dsp, embedded systems & software, soc, realtime, (embedded) mcu/mpu's, and smart (internet-enabling) technologies.
Very good and up to date archive with technical papers on what is going on in the embedded computing industry!
Good resource on electronic component manufacturors and background, such as Atmel.
DeviceTools is a comprehensive, free resources portal for the connected device developers. It includes software tools, silicon, resources and information for engineers building embedded devices.