Below you can download the software presented on this web-site. We offer the software as
Shareware: "Try before you Buy".
XPad itself and the plug-ins -including simulators- are fully functional and free for personal use. In the shareware-spirit of doing business we do urge corporate/business users to register XPad itself to remove the "Freeware" popup message and disclaimers in generated documents.
The seperately downloaded compiler-modules allow you to try the compilers for small models. A small registration-fee gets you a registration key, unlocking the full version.
New: registration-keys are now generated automatically through online registration procedure!
XPad Version 1.1
Includes plugins for:
PIC14 (16F84,16F628,16F877,12F675)
8051 (AT89CX051, i87C52),
68HC11 (all types),
PalmOS (68K based).
(Compiler modules can be
downloaded below).
Latest fully functional version of XPad IDE. Can be used for free for personal use. Low-cost compiler modules can be downloaded seperately below.
 No more "Freeware" popup message at startup;
 No more disclaimers in generated documents;
 One compiler-module of your choice for FREE;
 Premium support, including FREE development of device-configurations for existing compiler families.
The XPad Compiler Modules below REQUIRE XPad to be installed first!
Microchip PIC14 Compiler
Compiler module for PIC14 (16F84, 16F628, 16C715, 16F877/876, 12F675 and more) plug-in target. (XPad 1.1 needs to be installed first!). The trial-version -before registration- allows you to compile small models. For the full version, register here for U$29.-
Motorola 68HC11Family Compiler
The perfect companion for Microstamp11 and Adapt11
Compiler module for 68HC11 Family plug-in target. (XPad 1.1 needs to be installed first!). Includes support for Technological Arts boards: Adapt11, MicroCore11 and MicroStamp11. The trial-version -before registration- allows you to compile small models. For the full version, register here for U$39.-
PalmOS Compiler
Compiler module for PalmOS plug-in target. (XPad 1.1 needs to be installed first). Generates native prc-applications for PalmOS target, included in XPad 1.1. download! The trial-version -before registration- allows you to compile small models. For the full version, register here for U$39.-
MCS51 Compiler
Compiler module for MCS51 Compatible Family. (XPad 1.1 needs to be installed first). Includes support for Atmel AT89CX051 and Intel 87C52 controllers and allows you to define your own 8051 compatible targets! Fort the full version, register here for U$35.-
Customer Service:
If you have ordered software and would like to review your order
information, or if you have questions about ordering,
payment, or shipping procedures, please go visit
the Customer Care Center