For what type of projects is XPad suitable?
XPad focuses mainly on the control-aspects of a system.
Emphasis is on event-driven responsive systems. This includes:
embedded realtime software, starting with popular 8bit/16bit MCUs;
Furthermore, depending on the target, special attention is given to:
dealing with low system resources (limited RAM, limited or no data-stack);
generation of executive code custom to your application (for embedded microcontrollers);
compact data-structures;
user-friendly/transparent interrupt support;
interfacing with industry standard electronics.
XPad models provide a visual structured view on your software. When the code is generated, fast and lean performance has main priority. The generated executive consists of functions which call/interrupt each other in a predetermined manner as specified by your diagrams and the stimuli from the environment. A REALTime operating system is part of your model!