Other: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Linux shell-scripts, Arduino, Pinguino, Lazarus, Lua (performed integrations into other applications).
Custom languages: I have developed tailor-made textual/visual object-based programming languages/compilers for several Microchip/Atmel/Motorola microcontrollers.
Operating systems/platforms:
Desktop/PC: Microsoft Windows, Linux, Apple Macintosh/OS X, MS-DOS;
Real-time: pSOS (VME, Motorola), RMX (Intel Multibus), On Time RTOS-32;
Workstation/Server/Cloud: Linux, Unix, Solaris, OpenVMS, Windows Server, Plesk (VPS), Cloud-storage;
Custom operating systems: I have developed several light-weight realtime operating systems/executives for embedded projects and connected/distributed IoT-style architectures.